Add Traverse
The control allows the insertion of the polygon which can be used in the calculation procedure of the survey.
Click Survey.
Click Traverse.
The command opens a new panel on the right.
The command allows you to select in the graphics window the TPS stations of the traverse, according to the first station selected the program proposes the selection of different solutions according to the measurements carried out by the station.
The different solutions are shown in the graphics window. In this way the creation of the list of the polygonal stations is easy even if the schema of survey is complex. Otherwise you can set the traverse creation data in the right panel.
The data that is required are as follows:
Survey: choose the subproject in which to create the traverse.
Traverse name: the name that identifies the traverse.
Available TPS Station: select the TPS stations that compose the traverse from the options window of the command. To confirm the choice, you have to press the button Add Station.
Remove last station: remove from the traverse the last station entered.
Create: press the button to create and save the traverse in the survey subproject.
Create a traverse step-by-step
Click on Traverse to open the Create traverse panel
Enter the traverse name and select in which Survey subproject create the traverse.
Select from the list the first station, and click on Add station
Continue to select the following stations. If there are more options you are prompted to choose the right station.
Continue to add the stations until the traverse is complete.
Press Create to create the traverse in the Survey subproject.
The traverse can be now used in the calculations to perform a traverse adjustment.