CLM - Client license manager
CLM (client license manager) is the software managing Fusion licenses.
It is automatically installed together with X-PAD Fusion and it is mandatory on all Fusion setup to manage properly the license.
Fail to install/uninstall the CLM
In case the CLM application fails to be installed or uninstalled you can follow these steps to fix the problem.
Uninstall CLM from Add or Remove Programs in Windows.
Reboot the PC to make sure that the service is not blocked in disabled state.
Download and use the Windows Troubleshooter ( ) to uninstall any installations which start with CLM or Flexnet/Flexera.
Install CLM again.
Basic health check - Services
The CLM uses Windows services to work properly.
To check the services, open the Windows Services window by clicking Windows' Start button then typing services.
The following 4 services must be installed and in Running state. If the service is not in Running state, start it manually (right click on the service's name and select start).
CLM Remote Daemon.
FlexNet License Server.
FlexNet Licensing Service.
FlexNet Licensing Service 64 (optional, for 64-bit OS).
Services could take some time to start after Windows starts. You should wait a moment before starting Fusion in order to have the services started.
If FlexNet License Server do not start:
Open clm.log file at C:\Users\Public\Documents\CLM-LogFiles.
Add the SERVICE user with Modify rights.
If FlexNet License Server do not start:
Only latin characters can be used in the hostname of the PC. So if there are different characters this issue will appear. To overcome it, change the hostname of the PC to use only Latin letters.
Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Leica Geosystems\License-Server\svr_lgs.lic and instead of this_host write
Basic health check - Ports
The following ports are used by CLM:
19701: for the Remote Daemon
27010: lgs.exe
one random port in the interval 27000 - 27009 range: lmgrd.exe
•Check that each port is opened and in listening mode. To to this, open a command terminal (cmd windows) and type this command:
netstat -na -p tcp | findstr /R /C:19701 /C:2700[1-9] /C:27010
Check if all the 3 ports appear in the output.
If the ports do not appear in the output it can be that:
They are blocked by the firewall or other IT rules. The client's IT should make sure that the ports can be opened.
They are used by another software that uses Flexera for licensing purpose; if this is the case contact or your local distributors to be helped to change the ports.
Trusted storage - host broken
The trusted storage is the place where all the information related to licensing is stored.
The following actions can lead to a broken trusted storage.
Restoring a VM snapshot.
Changing the computer (changing HW components like HDD or network adapter).
Switching between networks with different time zone or changing the system time.
To restore the trusted storage contact or your local distributors.
Problems with floating licenses
In a network installation, the client has to connect to server to get the licenses.
If some problems occur:
Check if the server have a greater or equal CLM version than the client.
Check server is in the same network as the client.
Check server hostname is correct, in case try to connect with IP address (must be static).