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Points clouds rendering

X-PAD Office Fusion is equipped with several commands to manage the display of scan data:

  • Change the size of the single point.

  • Set different ways of coloring the cloud.

  • Enable/disable the visualization of the different components of a point cloud.

Point size and point density

The function Point size and Point density allow to define the pixel size and the point density used to display the points cloud.

  • Click Cloud.

  • Click Point Size.

  • The drop-down menu allows to define the point size and the point density.

  • The Point size defines the pixel size to display the point cloud.

Small: point size is small.


Normal: point size is normal (default selection).


Large: point size is large.


Extra large: point size is extra large.

  • The points density allows to select the visualizations of points for each pixel.

Automatic: displays maximum number of points. (default selection)


Level 1: screen density of one every pixel.


Level 2: screen density of one every two pixel.


Level 3: screen density of one every three pixel.


Level 4: screen density of one every four pixel.


Rendering mode

This command allows to define the rendering mode to display the point cloud.

  • Click Cloud.

  • Click Rendering mode.

  • The drop-down menu allows to define the rendering mode.

Color: applies to scans the main color set.


Intensity: colors all scans with a grayscale based on the intensity of the reflectance.
White represents a high reflectance value and black is a low value.


Intensity coloured: colors all scans with a color scale depending on the intensity of the reflectance. The color assigned to the point clouds by the program is used.

intensity col.png

By elevation: colors all scans with a color gradation based on the elevation. A fixed color scale ranging from red (high) to blue (low) is used.


By distance: colors all scans with a color gradation based on the distance from point cloud center. A fixed color
scale ranging from red (near) to blue (far) is used


View/hide point clouds components

It is possible to enable/disable the visualization of different points clouds components.

  • Points image-20250131-094858.png : shows/hides points from the points clouds.

  • Setups image-20250131-094938.png : shows/hides the setup symbols.

  • Pano images image-20250131-095009.png : shows/hides panoramic images when Panorama visualization mode is enabled.

  • Center marker image-20250131-095055.png : shows/hides marker in the center of points clouds. The marker can be used to select the points clouds in editing commands.

  • Bounding box image-20250131-095156.png : shows/hides the points clouds bounding box. The box can be used to select the points clouds in editing commands.

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