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Project data organization

X-PAD Office Fusion saves all data in a folder with the project name.
The software creates subfolders within the main folder to store distinct types of data. The folders are:

  • Export: contains all exported files saved in DWG/DXF or ASCII format. This way, accessing the files is faster while working.

  • Images: contains photos taken during surveys or associated with points.

  • Import: contains files that are imported into the project as copies, such as DWG/DXF, ASCII or instrument format files. for a quicker access.

  • Orthophotos: contains orthophotos generated by the software.

  • Point clouds: contains created and saved point clouds files.

  • Raster: contains copies of the raster images used in the project, created by the software.

  • PostProcessing: contains data used in the GNSS post processing module.

  • ImageProcessing: contains photos and data used in the X-PHOTO module.

  • Reports: contains stored reports, eliminating the need for printouts.

  • Volumes: contains calculations of volumes from surfaces.

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