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Transform by points

You can perform a coordinate transformation according to the pairs of homologous points (topographic point and reference point) by using the command Transform by points.

This command transforms with 2D and 3D rototranslations the selected objects or subprojects to a new position by using reference points.

  • Click Survey.

  • Click Transform by points.

  • The command opens a new panel.

  • Select pairs of homologous points selecting the source and destination point.

    • Add: to select in the graphic view the topographic point that will be transformed.

    • Add Reference: to add automatically the points with same ID from the list of reference points.

  • In the right panel you can check the residuals of the transformation. Click on H and V to enable/disable the use of horizontal and vertical coordinates for the transformation.

  • The transformation can be done using the following formulas:

    • Affine 2D: performes an affine transforamtion

    • Rigid (unscaled): performs the rototraslation without scaling.

    • Conformal (scaled): performs the rototranslation and scales the survey according to the set datum points.

    • Helmert 3D: performs a translation for each axis and applies a scale variation according to the set parameters.

    • Helmert 3D (rigid): performs a translation for each axis and without applying a scale variation according to the set parameters.

  • In the bottom part of the panel it is possible to visualize the values of transformation.

  • Click on Report to generate a report of the transformation.

  • Click on Next to proceed with the transformation. This opens a new panel.

  • Select the objects or subprojects to transform:

    • Select objects from CAD: to select manually from the graphic view the object to transform.

    • Select objects from document: to select which subproject to transoform. All the entities within the selected subprojects are tranformed.

  • Click Apply to conclude the transformation.

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