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X-PAD Ultimate webinars

Lists of webinars dedicated to different functionalities and options of X-PAD Ultimate field software.

(2024-04-11) Webinar  Understanding GIS Module in X PAD Ultimate

Understanding GIS Module in X PAD Ultimate

(2024-4-11) Webinar on how to use the GIS module: define and apply features, survey with GIS attributes and export them as shape file or in other formats.

Webinar  Locators how to use them & X PAD locators module

Locators how to use them & X PAD locators module

(2024-2-11) How to work with GeoMax cable locators and the X-PAD locator optional module.

Working with TPS in X-PAD Ultimate - English (Webinar 2023-09-07)

Working with TPS in X-PAD Ultimate

(2023-9-7) Webinar on how to work with total stations and X-PAD field software on controller.

Understanding Import and Export in X-PAD Ultimate  - English (Webinar 2023-09-21)

Understanding Import and Export in X-PAD Ultimate

(2023-9-21) Webinar to understand the different options to import and export the data in X-PAD field software.

(2023-08-03) Webinar  Working with GNSS in X PAD, in English

(Working with GNSS in X PAD

(2029-8-3) Webinar on how to work with GNSS receiver with X- PAD field software.

Stakeout in X PAD Ultimate - English (Webinar 2023-07-13)

Stakeout in X PAD Ultimate

(2023-7-13) Webinar on how efficiency stakeout in the X- PAD software.

Coding and Surveying in X PAD Ultimate - English (Webinar 2023-06-22)

Coding and Surveying in X PAD Ultimate

(2023-6-22) Webinar on how to work with codes and codes library.

CAD functionalities in X PAD Ultimate - English (Webinar 2023-06-08)

CAD functionalities in X PAD Ultimate

(2023-6-8) Webinar with an overview on the build-in CAD and its functionalities.

Volume and Cross Sections

(2023-3-2) Webinar on surface and volume calculations in X-PAD Ultimate and X-PAD Office Fusion.

X PAD ULTIMATE TPS webinar_16thFeb2023

X PAD TPS and hidden points

(2023-2-16) Webinar on how to work with TPS and measurements to hidden points.

Georeference raster maps in X-PAD Office Fusion and X-PAD Ultimate

(2023-3-16) Webinar on how to georeference maps in X-PAD Office Fusion and import them in field software X-PAD Ultimate.

Webinar - X PAD ULTIMATE Road Module 5PM

Road Module

(2022-09-26) Webinar for understanding how to work with roading optional module to import and stakeout road design data.

X PAD ULTIMATE Surface & Volumes

Surface & Volumes

(2022-09-13) Webinar on optional module Surface & Volume to calculate, import surfaces and perform volume calculations.

X PAD Total Station Traverse

X PAD Total Station Traverse

(2022-06-20) Webinar on how to perform and calculate a TPS traverse.


BIM models and MEP functions

(2022-5-5) Webinar on how to work with IFC files and MEP functions with robotic total station.

Auto-Measuring 101_ Learn How to perform campaign monitoring Like a Pro

How to perform campaign monitoring Like a Pro

(2021-11-29) Webinar on how to perform a monitoring campaign with optional module Auto Measuring.

Surveying and drawing in the field with X PAD Ultimate

Surveying and drawing in the field with X PAD Ultimate

(2020-06-11) Surveying and drawing with X-PAD Ultimate in the field

Mixed Surveying GNSS and Total Station EN

Mixed Surveying GNSS and Total Station EN

(2020-05-11) Mixing GNSS and TPS measurements in X-PAD Ultimate field software.

X PAD Ultimate Module 1 EN webinar

X PAD Ultimate Module 1 EN webinar

(2020-04-09) Initial and basi steps with X-PAD Ultimate software.

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