Field software backup & restore
X-PAD Ultimate has the possibility with X-PAD365 to save and store a backup of settings and jobs.
Backup & Restore is available for Professional and Enterprise licenses
Create a backup
To start the backup open in Ultimate the X-PAD365 workspace.
Click Backup & Restore.
If it is the first time, you will be asked to enter a Device name. This will be used to identify this specific device in the list of X-PAD365 devices.
Create a backup
The function allows to create locally on the controller a backup and upload it to the cloud.
Open the Backup & Restore function.
Open Local page.
This page lists the backup that was created and saved locally on this controller.
Click New backup to create a new backup.
Backup file name: the name of the backup.
Backup application settings: enables/disables the backup of the software settings.
Backup sites: enables/disables the backup of job sites and all job files.
Upload to X-PAD365: enables/disables the upload of the backup file to the X-PAD365 cloud storage.
Annotation: notes for this backup.
In case the option Backup sites was selected, click Next to select the Sites to backup. Then click Start backup.
In case the option Backup sites was deselected, click Start backup.
The software will start to backup the data. In case the option Upload to X-PAD365, the backup file is also uploaded to the X-PAD365 cloud storage.
Create a backup on cloud
The function allows to create a backup and upload it to the cloud.
Open the Backup & Restore function.
Open X-PAD365 Backup page.
This page lists the backup available on the cloud. In Device name field it is possible to select backup from other devices.
To create a new backup click New backup.
Backup file name: the name of the backup.
Backup application settings: enables/disables the backup of the software settings.
Backup sites: enables/disables the backup of job sites and all job files.
Annotation: notes for this backup.
In case the option Backup sites was selected, click Next to select the Sites to backup. Then click Start backup.
In case the option Backup sites was deselected, click Start backup.
The software will start to backup the data and upload them on the cloud.
Automatic backup
The function allows to create an automatic backup that works as a service in background, automatically creating a data backup once files are changed.
Open the Backup & Restore function.
Open Automatic page.
This page lists the backup available on the cloud. In Device name field it is possible to select backup from other devices.
Device name: the name of the current device.
Last automatic backup: the date when the last automatic backup.
Files copied: how many local files have been copied to the cloud and the total files on local drive.
Automatic backup status: the status of the automatic backup.
Active with Wi-Fi only: enables/disables the automatic backup only if the controller is connected to internet with Wi-Fi.
Active with device powered only: enables/disables the automatic backup only if the controller is connected to external power.
To start the automatic backup click Start service.
Restore a backup
The software allows to restore a saved backup
Open the Backup & Restore function.
Open Local page to display the backup files stored in the controller.
Open X-PAD365 Backup page to display the backup files stored in the cloud.
To restore a backup select it from the list and click Restore.
To restore a backup from another device, for example since old device has been replaced with the current one, click Tools and select Activate Administration mode while in the X-PAD365 Backup page. This allows to select the backup from other devices.