X-PAD365 is available as web-based application and is part of X- PAD Ultimate for the field controller and X-PAD Fusion for office.
Log-in in web application
To login to X- PAD365 Web Platform workspace open the login page: https://x-pad365.geomax-positioning.com/
Click Log-in.
Select the account, enter the password and click Sign in.
The X-PAD365 web-based workspace is opened.
Log-in in Fusion Office software
Start Fusion Office software.
Click X-PAD365 icon on the top-right of the screen.
Click Settings.
Email: identification of the user registered to the service.
Password: password assigned to the registered user by the service.
Autoconnect at start: enables/disables the automatic connection when the software is started.
Click OK to login.
Log-in in X-PAD Ultimate field software
Start X-PAD Ultimate software.
Click on X-PAD365 icon on top-right of the app.
Enter the information to login.
UserID: the account user. It is the email used for registration.
Password: the account password.
Automatic login: enables/disables the automatic login when the software is started.
Click Login to sign-in in the account.