X-Chat in Office Fusion
X-Chat is integrated in Fusion Office software.
X-Chat panel
In Fusion to open the X-Chat panel click on X-PAD365 logo on top-right.
This opens the chat panel with list of active chat.
New chat
: starts a chat with the selected user.
New group
: creates a new chat group with one or more users.
Address book
: opens the address book with the contacts.
New chat window
: opens a second chat window that can be placed in a second monitor.
: closes the chat panel.
Create a new contact
To create a new contact open the chat panel.
Click on this icon to open the address book.
This opens a new window.
The address book includes the account of the available sub-users and already created contacts.
Add contact
: to add a new contact. Requires to enter:
Alias: the display name of the user.
Email: enter here the registration email for the X-PAD365 user you would like to include in the address book as contact.
Edit contact
: to edit the info of the selected contact.
: to delete the selected contact.
: searches a contact in the address book.
New chat
: to start a new chat with selected contact.
New group
: creates a new chat group with one or more contacts.
Start a new chat
To start a new chat with a contact open the chat panel.
Select an existing chat to continue to message, or click New Chat .
Select the user from the list to start the chat.
This opens the chat panel.
Attachment : allows to attach a file to be shared.
Send : sends the current message.
Create a new group
Groups are used to share messages and attachments with one or more users.
Groups are also used to start a field Collaborative Survey.
To create a new group open the chat panel.
Click New Group.
Enter the name of the group.
Select the contacts from you address book to be part of the group.
The group is created and can be selected as active chat.
Exporting data to the chat
When exporting a file, it is possible to directly share it in the chat.
Select a file to export and open the selection window to choose the location where to export the file.
Select X- PAD 365 - Chat.
This opens a new window.
File name: the exported file to share.
Message: the message to send with the file.
Chat: select from the available active chat, the chat where to attach the file and the message.