Coordinates transformation
Coordinates transformation transform single points, survey subprojects or the entire project between different cartographic or local systems.
Click Survey.
Click Transform by points.
The command opens a new window.
The first step is to define the type of transformation. On the left side of the window it is possible to choose:
Grid to Grid: transforms grid coordinates to other grid coordinates.
Geographic to Grid: transforms geographic coordinates to grid coordinates.
Grid to Geographic: transforms grid coordinates to geographic coordinates.
Geographic to Geographic: transform geographic coordinates to other geographic coordinates.
The main panel shows the source system and the target system. Depending on the transformation mode selected we will have to enter the source and target system grid or geographic.
Enter the source and target system. The software enter as default system in source the system applied to the current project.
If the selection is a cartographic system, you can manually enter the parameters or click on Load predefined to load a predefined cartographic system.
If the selection is local system click Details to open the calibration page to define the local system.
See Coordinate system for more information on the coordinate systems.
In the Elevation system part, select the source and target elevation system. Here are listed available geoids.
See Localization package to download geoids from localization packages.
At the bottom of the panel select which data to transform:
Transform survey subproject: transforms the coordinates of the active survey subproject.
Transform entire project: transforms the coordinates of entire project, including drawing, surfaces, etc..
Transform points: transforms a single point, entering the coordinate values.
Click the Transform buttons to transform the points according to the entered parameters.