Create a cross section on 2 surfaces step-by-step
In this example we will see how to create cross sections lines and generate the output starting from 2 surfaces.
We start from two surface as separate subprojects. The Surface_2 (red) is below the Surface_1 (green).
Within the X-Sections toolbar, click New X-Sections group and select to create Topographic cross sections.
Click Topographic to create the first topographic cross section.
Now we can create parallel cross sections using the function Offset.
Open Calculation Rules to check that cross sections lines are generated on the two surfaces, with two different line codes.
Click All to calculate all cross sections.
Click on Open View to open the cross section front view.
Within the cross section view click on Layout mode to open the layout view.
We can change the reference elevation of the cross section in the Cross section table.
In the Settings, in the Layout Style tab we can customize the Layout rows to plot.
Select for each Type the Line Code, to have a complete layout to print.
In the Output toolbar, click on Cross Sections to plot the cross section or click DWG/DXF to export the cross section, in the CAD view or layout view, to AutoCAD formats.