The management of the layers available in the project can be accessed from the left panel, clicking on Layers.

Double click on a layer to make it the active layer.
On the upper part of the panel is a search toolbar. It allows searching for a specific layer.
The features of every layer can be modified on the property panel that is activated by a right click.
Available commands:
New layer
: creates a layer.
Delete layer
: deletes selected layers even if they contain drawing entities. The drawing entities are delete together with the layer.
All layers ON
: displays all layers.
All layers OFF
: hides all layers. The current layer remains visible.
Invert layer visibility
: all visible layers become not visible and and vice versa.
Make the layer of an object the current layer
: sets a layer as the current layer for objects.
Change the layer of selected objects
: change the layer for objects based on the property of the element. The command requires selected objects to change layer and the object from which it copies the layer setting.
Isolate layer
: hides all layers except those for the selected objects.
Layer off
: turns layers related to the selected object off.
Layer properties
: manages the data of a layer. This commands opens the following window.
Entity’s layer
: manages the default association between entities and layers.
: activates and deactivates a layer block.
: shows and hides layers.