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The management of the layers available in the project can be accessed from the left panel, clicking on Layers.

  • Double click on a layer to make it the active layer.

  • On the upper part of the panel is a search toolbar. It allows searching for a specific layer.

  • The features of every layer can be modified on the property panel that is activated by a right click.

  • Available commands:

    • New layer image-20241007-160302.png : creates a layer.

    • Delete layer image-20241007-160315.png : deletes selected layers even if they contain drawing entities. The drawing entities are delete together with the layer.

    • All layers ON image-20241007-160356.png : displays all layers.

    • All layers OFF image-20241007-160417.png : hides all layers. The current layer remains visible.

    • Invert layer visibility image-20250103-124557.png : all visible layers become not visible and and vice versa.

    • Make the layer of an object the current layer image-20241007-160550.png : sets a layer as the current layer for objects.

    • Change the layer of selected objects image-20241007-160619.png : change the layer for objects based on the property of the element. The command requires selected objects to change layer and the object from which it copies the layer setting.

    • Isolate layer image-20241007-160650.png : hides all layers except those for the selected objects.

    • Layer off image-20241007-160706.png : turns layers related to the selected object off.

    • Layer propertiesimage-20241007-160756.png : manages the data of a layer. This commands opens the following window.

    • Entity’s layer image-20241007-160815.png : manages the default association between entities and layers.

    • Lock/unlock image-20241008-120753.png : activates and deactivates a layer block.

    • Visible/Invisible image-20241008-120827.png : shows and hides layers.

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