Edit polyline
Edit polyline are a set of functions to edit selected polyline.

Open polyline.
Close polyline.
Insert vertex.
Delete vertex.
Delete segment.
Join polylines.
Invert polyline.
Divide loops.
Reduce vertices.
Vertices grid.
Open polyline
Use the Open polyline function to open the selected closed polyline.
Click Edit.
Click Open polyline.
Select the polyline to open.
The last segment of the polyline is deleted to open the polyline.
Close polyline
Use the Close polyline function to close the selected open polyline.
Click Edit.
Click Close polyline.
Select the polyline to close.
The polyline is closed.
Insert vertex
Use the Insert vertex function to insert new vertexes in the selected polylines.
Click Edit.
Click Insert vertex.
Select the polyline segment where to add the new vertex.
Define the new vertex position.
The new vertex is created on the selected position.
Delete vertex
Use the Delete vertex function to delete vertexes from the selected polylines.
Click Edit.
Click Delete vertex.
Select the polyline vertex to delete. The new segment joins the previous and following polyline vertex.
Delete segment
Use the delete segment function to delete selected segment from a polyline.
Click Edit.
Click delete segment.
Select the segment to delete.
Join polyline
Use the Join polylines function to join selected polylines or lines in a single polyline.
Click Edit.
Click Join polylines.
Select the first polyline.
Select the lines or polylines to join.
Confirm the selection. If the elements are contiguous, the elements are joined.
Invert polyline
Use the Invert polylines function to invert the vertices order of selected polyline.
Click Edit.
Click Invert polylines.
Select the polyline to invert.
Confirm the selection to invert the order of the vertexes of the polyline.
Reduces vertices
Use the Reduces vertices function to simplify a polyline removing not significant vertexes, for example along an alignment.
Click Edit.
Click Reduce vertices.
Select the polyline.
Select the vertices reduction mode:
2D distance: vertices are removed if the 2D distance from point to alignment is smaller than entered value.
3D distance: vertices are removed if the 3D distance from point to alignment is smaller than entered value.
Confirm the selection.
Vertices grid
Use the Vertices grid function to open an editable table with the vertex coordinates of the selected polyline.
Click Edit.
Click Vertices grid.
The function opens a table on the right panel.

The table can be edited to change the vertexes of the polyline.
Name: the name of the vertex point.
X, Y, Z: the coordinate of the vertex.
Type: the type of the segment starting from the vertex, for example line or arc.
Insert: to insert a new vertex in the table.
Remove: to remove the selected table line and corresponding vertex.
Add vertex before: to add a new vertex before the selected line. Click on the graphic view to create the new vertex.
Add vertex after: to add a new vertex after the selected line. Click on the graphic view to create the new vertex.
Edit vertex: to edit the selected vertex from the CAD.
Close: to close the polyline.
New polyline: to create a new polyline and a new vertex table.
Invert polyline: to invert the order of the polyline vertexes.
Table: to create a drawing table of the polyline. Click on the graphic area to insert the table.