Sections and profile management
After calculating the section lines, they will be drawn in the planimetry view, where they are also visible in 3d mode; also the program has a dedicated view for sections and profile. To activate the view:
Click X-Sections.
Click Open view.
This functions open a new window with the cross section view with its own toolbar.
Section display properties
Cross-section and profile lines after calculation are represented in 3d in the main graphics window.
In the CAD view, the cross section is visualized on the model.
In the cross section view, the cross section is visualized as front view.
The cursor is connected between the two views; when you move along the section in the Graphic window of the section, the main cursor is positioned at the same point along the layout of the section.
In the cross section view click on the arrows to change between the different cross sections.
Click on Layout mode icon to change to layout view.
The Layout mode shows the cross section as will be plotted. The layout can be configured in the settings (see Layout styles ).
X-Sections toolbar
The X-sections toolbar has the following commands:

Settings: shows the Settings window (see Section settings )
Open view: activate a second tab in the sections view where the next section is shown.
All: calculates all the sections with the rules set.
Current: calculates only the section displayed with the rules set.
Interval: calculates a range of sections with the rules set.
Rules: accesses the definition window of the Calculation rules (see Calculation rules).
ID point: allows to select a position in the view of the cross section where a topographic point will be inserted, visible in the planimetric view. This will be stored in the active survey subproject.
Annotation: inserts a free annotation in the cross section view.
Distance: calculates a distance between points and enter an annotation in the cross section view. (see Distance )
Distance object: calculates distnance from a point and a drawing object and enter an annotation in the cross section view. (see Distance object )
Area: calculates an area and enter an annotation in the cross section view. (see Area )
Angle: calculates an angle and enter an annotation in the cross section view. (see Angle )
Point: adds a new topographic point from the cross section.
Tools: opens the function to generate topographic points from cross sections. (see Topographic points from cross sections )
Draw toolbar
The Draw toolbar has the following commands:

Polyline: draws a polyline in the cross section view. (see Polyline )
Line: draws a line in the cross section view. (see Line )
Arc: draws an arc in the cross section view. (see Arc )
Circle: draws a cyrcle in the cross section view. (see Circle )
Polygon: draws a polygon in the cross section view. (see Polygon )
Face: draws a drawing face in the cross section view. (see Face )
Output toolbar
The export of the sections is of particular importance for this X-PAD Office Fusion has dedicated functions in the workspace of the sections. These are contained in the menu Output of the section view.
The menu commands allow several operations including the settings for exporting to AutoCAD and the settings for plotting preview and plotting.
The output toolbar has the following commands:

Cross-sections: opens the plot preview of the cross section. (see)
Page setup: allows to define the page setup and properties for the plot. (see)
Layout designer: opens a designer tool to edit or define new plotbox layout . (see)
DWG/DXF: exports cross section layout to AutoCAD DWG or DXF format. (see Export drawing in DWG/DXF format for AutoCAD )
Start AutoCAD: starts configured AutoCAD software. (see)
Copy all to: copies all visible drawings to the clipboard and paste them directly to the opened AutoCAD window. (see)
Copy selection to: copies selected objects to the clipboard and paste them to the opened AutoCAD window. (see)
Settings: opens a windows to define the AutoCAD version and the parameters of the connection. (see)
Object report: generates a report with coordinates of selected drawing elements. (see)